Frequently asked questions

Find out the answers to the most frequently asked questions about swimming pool maintenance.

How often should I clean the skimmers and the pump basket?

If possible, check the skimmers every day; as far as the check-up of the basket is concerned, leave it to the specialized technician in their regular maintenance visits.

This will increase the productivity of the filtration system of your swimming pool, which will result in fewer expenses with repairs and equipment failure.

When the skimmers and the pump basket are blocked, the water circulation is compromised, which can lead to problems like the pump overheating or clogging in the swimming pool’s pipes.

What are the ideal pH levels for my pool?

Ideally, the pH level of the water in your swimming pool will be kept between 7,4 and 7,6. The levels of total alkalinity should be between 80 and 120 ppm.

It’s crucial to maintain the ideal pH levels for optimal maintenance of swimming pools; if this doesn’t happen, there’s a risk that bacteria might be created or algae might appear.

Why does the water become turbid in my swimming pool?

Swimming pools with turbid water leave everyone disheartened, which is understandable since we all desire crystalline water in our swimming pools.

Aside from the bad aesthetics caused by turbid water, this situation also brings a lot of serious health risks.

Turbid water can appear for several reasons:

  • Excessive use of the pool (the water gets saturated);
  • Excessive sunscreen (in the water line and on the surface);
  • Lack of chemical products or inadequate pH levels;
  • Lack of maintenance of the swimming pool filter (replacing the filter’s sand).

As a result of the aforementioned factors, the water of your swimming pool starts becoming saturated and naturally turbid. We recommend that the pump works for longer to ensure a complete circulation of the water, thus eliminating all possible contaminants.

Why is the water of my swimming pool green?

The most common reason why the water of your swimming pool becomes green is an algae infestation. An inefficient treatment of the water leads to the spreading of bacteria, fungi and other microorganisms that are harmful to human health.

Other usual causes that lead to a change in the colour of the water are:

  • Inadequate chemicals values;
  • Incorrect maintenance;
  • Swimming pools with heated water;
  • High levels of phosphate in the water;
  • Incorrect circulation and filtration.

If you notice the water of your swimming pool is getting green, you should act quickly. Ignoring the problem will only to further propagation of the algae. It is recommended that your follow the guidance of a professional.

Why does my swimming pool lose so much water?

The low levels of water in your swimming pool can be attributed to several causes, like evaporation, water leakage or excessive splashes. During the hottest months of the year, the water of your swimming pool can evaporate a few centimetres and that’s completely normal.

If you notice a significant loss of water in your swimming pool, this might indicate a leak or a spill. We recommend that you contact your swimming pool specialist as soon as possible so he can perform a study and the necessary tests to better understand the issue.

Do you still have doubts?

In case you still have doubts or your questions aren’t published here, we are at your service for any clarification that might be necessary.